Preparing Your Site for Your New Yoderbilt Greenhouse
We've selected our location—an area that is flat and sits in full sun as we plan on growing all the things and utilizing as much winter sun as possible. Our greenhouse will sit with the double Dutch doors facing south and will sit completely unshaded until almost sunset. It is also situated near a water source.
Because our ground was flat, we didn't need to have any dirt work done. If you have an area that is not flat, and dirt work is in the budget, that is recommended. If you don't have the budget for it, there are ways that the delivery team can assist once placing the greenhouse in its location that will help with that.
We measured out the area we wanted with extra room in the front and sides for our 12x16 greenhouse. We then put down commercial grade landscape fabric directly on top of the grass to prevent weed growth. We edged the area with some rock we purchased from a local quarry (this was not a have-to, but I wanted to contain the gravel). Next, we had a dump truck load of clean gravel brought in which filled the area up 3-4 inches deep.