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Close up of a vase of colorful flowers on a wooden table inside a Yoderbilt Greenhouse.

A Sneak Peek Into the New Yoderbilt Greenhouse

Aug 27, 2020

A Sneak Peek Into the New Yoderbilt Greenhouse

I am in love with my new Yoderbilt Greenhouse—it truly is a dream come true! I've been so busy, I haven't had a lot of time to do all the things I've planned, but I have enjoyed some amazing mornings at sunrise in the cooler temperatures of an Arkansas August, coffee in hand of course.  

Close up of potted plants on a wooden table inside a Yoderbilt Greenhouse.
Close up of a vase of colorful flowers on a wooden table inside a Yoderbilt Greenhouse.

I am just going to take you through some pictures I've taken over the last few mornings—I'll be back with all of the details soon. Just some eye candy for now!

My very first morning, I repotted some rosemary. Next up, I arranged some zinnias from my garden patch, which was so nice to do in a place other than my kitchen. After continuing to "fluff it up," we had planned on having dinner out in the greenhouse, but we had a rainy day and evening, so, we'll do that this weekend. I'm so looking forward to it as we have cooler temperatures on the way over this next week!  

Front view of a Yoderbilt Greenhouse with brown stain. The double doors are open. Inside is a wooden table with flowers and plants on top.
Interior view of a Yoderbilt Greenhouse with brown stain. Inside there is a wooden table with a vase of flowers on it and a chandelier hanging from the roof. Also a chair in the corner.

We're plotting out the flagstone, but will actually begin laying it this weekend. It won't just be a pretty place to retreat, but it will also house all the veggies we will grow over the winter and early spring.  I could not be happier with it. It's such a well-made and beautiful greenhouse! I'm looking forward to spending a lot of relaxing time out there over the years to come! 

