My Lemon Tree
“My sweet mom gifted me a dwarf Meyer's lemon tree a few years ago. It is one of my most cherished plants. If you care for these little gems properly, they can yield loads of fruit in just a couple of years. In the meantime, the foliage and the fragrant blooms make it worth the wait.”
Angela Yoder
Plants can healthily thrive inside a greenhouse—the photo above is a prime example of that. There is a practical side to greenhouses, but also a fun, fulfilling side as well. The lemon on the left is purchased from a grocery store. While the lemon on the right was picked from our greenhouse. No chemicals or pesticides were used on mine other than diluted lavender in a spray bottle.
The lemons are kept in a large container inside the greenhouse, making sure the soil can drain well. It's an easy plant to care for, and they make for a fun harvest.