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Bouquet of bright pink flowers and one flower separated sitting on a wooden table.

How to Pinch Back Sweet Peas to Encourage More Blooms

Mar 24, 2022

How to Pinch Back Sweet Peas to Encourage More Blooms

It's sweet pea season! Thanks to their sweet fragrance and colorful varieties, they are a gardener's favorite. They will soon be filling garden spaces and vases alike.

Close up of bright pink flowers.
Close up of bright pink flowers.
Blooming pink sweet pea flower
Sweet peas in planting trays on a table inside a Yoderbilt Greenhouse

Do you want more blooms? If so, you should consider pinching back your plants. Although not a necessity, most gardeners will opt to pinch their sweet peas back. You will do this once they reach 4-6 inches tall. This will not only encourage the plant to be shorter and busier but will also produce more blooms. Once they begin producing, the more blossoms you cut, the more they'll produce—a great cut and come again flower. 

Sweet peas in planting trays on a table inside a Yoderbilt Greenhouse

You can "pinch" with your fingernails, although I like a clean-cut, so I tend you to use some small sharp pruners. You will pinch or cut the central growing tip above the leaf joint. I make sure I cut and leave only 2-3 leaf sets on the plant. 

Sweet pea branches that have been clipped off of a plant sitting on a table inside of a Yoderbilt Greenhouse
Sweet peas in planting trays on a table inside a Yoderbilt Greenhouse

You can "pinch" with your fingernails, although I like a clean-cut, so I tend you to use some small sharp pruners. You will pinch or cut the central growing tip above the leaf joint. I make sure I cut and leave only 2-3 leaf sets on the plant.

With pinching, they will redirect their energy into more branches and blooms. It can be hard to pinch them back, but it's so worth it!

Bouquet of bright pink flowers and one flower separated sitting on a wooden table.