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Close up of two red blooming flowers.

Why You Should Have Zinnias In Your Garden

Jul 24, 2020

Why You Should Have Zinnias In Your Garden

Zinnias have always been a favorite of many gardeners, including us! Zinnias are great to try whether you’re a beginning gardener, or a gardener with a bit more experience. Whichever way you put it, you simply can't go wrong with adding these to your garden. Their variety assortment is fun, exciting, and absolutely gorgeous.

View of various flowers in a field.
Close up of a bundle of various flowers.
View of various flowers in a field.
Close up of a few red flowers in a field.

Need some more pros? No problem. Besides being beautiful, Zinnias are:

  • Inexpensive 
  • Low maintenance
  • Easy to collect, save and share

They're also a cut and come again flower, which means if you cut them and they’ll bloom right back again. The more you cut, the more flowers will develop and bloom. So, they’ll give you loads of bouquets from late spring/early summer until the first frost of fall.

Needles to say, this little seed packs a powerful punch! Ready to plant your Zinnias? Get your guide now where you’ll learn just what exactly makes Zinnias a tried and true flower that almost all commercial and home gardeners love.